Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Welcome to the BAS Blog!

At the artist's meeting tonight, Kathy Sherin and I decided that a good way to keep us all in touch with all the news and events at the studio would be an online blog. So, here we are...
Now to keep the posting a bit organized, there is an email address set up: buffaloartsstudio(at)gmail(dot)com . Send any announcements, comments, or even links to the address, and we'll make sure it's posted ASAP. PLEASE use the comment section- you can rsvp or comment- that way we have an active dialogue going- it's better than hoping that you run into someone at the studio at some point. Keep this link in your favorites and check it often- a lot of good things will be happening at BAS in 2007!


Kathy Sherin said...

Hey I am now a blogger for BAS
Easy to sign up
Thank you Val

BAS said...

See everyone! The ball is rolling!